閱 The Complete Works of Thomas Shadwell, ed. Montague Summers, vol. III 中 The Libertine, The Virtuoso二劇畢,皆實不副名。The Virtuoso 中 Bruce 嘲當時豪家少年每於稠人廣眾 “Then says another, with great gallantry, pulling out his box of pills, ‘Dam-me, Tom, I am not in a condition; here’s my turpentine for my third clap’: when you would think he was not old enough to be able to get one” [2] (p. 106)。按 Dyden, Marriage a-la-mode, IV, iii: “To value yourself upon a clap before you get it”; Baudelaire, Journaux Intimes: “Le jour où le jeune écrivain corrige sa première épreuve, il est fier comme un écolier qui vient de gagner sa première vérole” (ed. Ad. Van Bever, p. 76),可參觀。
Longvil 論 Sir Formal Trifle 推尊 Sir Nicholas Gimcrack 云: “What would such coxcombs do, if there were not greater to admire them?” (p. 110)。按此本 Boileau, L’Art poétique: “un sot unto trouve toujours un plus sot qui l’admire.” Longvil 斥 Sir Formal 云: “Words are no more to him than breaking wind, they only give him vent” (p. 112)。西籍中比“豈有此理”語如《何典》卷首一詞結句云云、《老學菴筆記》卷一毛德昭云:“放氣!放氣!”者[3],僅見此及 Leonardo da Vinci 兩引 Demetrius語斥無識者云:“He took no more account of the wind that produced the words in their mouths than of the wind that came out of their hinder parts” (Notebooks, tr. by E. MacCurdy, vol. I, pp. 62, 73) 以外 (“Non faceva conto più del vento, il quale nella loro bocca causava le parole, che del vento ch’usciva dalla parte di sotto” — Leonardo da Vinci: Eine Auswahl aus seinen Schriften, hrsg. V. Macchi, pp. 1-2;又Swift:“Strephon & Chloe”: “You’d think she utter’d from behind, / Or at her mouth was breaking wind” (on her malicious gossip). The Notebooks of S. T. Coleridge, ed. Kathleen Coburn, I, §1184: “Unintelligible? As well call a Fart unintelligible / it tells you at what it is — it is nonsense — enigmata quia non Sphinx, sed Sphincter anus”. Carducci: “A Bambolone”: “e quella fessa / che tieni ov’ han la bocca le persone.” (U. Nanni, Enciclopedia delle ingiurie, p. 296).【又第五百九十七則、七百廿四則。】參觀第五九七則章炳麟《新方言.釋詞第一》:“《方言》:粃,不知也。今人反遮人言,若云不知者則呼曰粃,音如䊧。此見《東山經》,《廣韻》作屁。”蓋只知聲音,不知義之比擬也。更可笑者,《釋言第二》:“《說文》:䢒,會也。經典相承作交……《說文》……《左傳》‘不義不暱’,《說文》引作‘不黏’……非日之聲也。《禮記.月令.仲夏之月》:“止聲色,毋或進”可參(《聖經》之 go in unto)。《自序》云:“當知今之殊言,不違姬漢”云云,宜迂拘如此。
第一幕末 Snarl 詬誶甚厲,而 Sir Formal 詞色彌遜。如云:“Well Sir, you’ll have pretty humors, you’re disposed to be merry” (p. 118),極似 Old Curiosity Shop 中 Brass 對 Quilp 語。
Snarl 語 Mrs Figgup 云:“Thou hast incen’st me strangely, thou hast fir’d my blood; I can bear it no longer… I love castigation mightily [Pulls the carpet, 3 or 4 great rods fall down]” (p. 139; cf. p. 154)。註僅言 carpet 乃 table-cloth 之意 (p. 391),而不知此乃寫 Algolegnia (Masochism),在 Venice Preserved (1682) 之前者六年,而 Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, II, p. 112 未引。
Sir Formal 稱Sir Nicholas 善醫云:“Each day cures even incurable diseases.” Longvil 云:“Your orators are very subject to that figure in speech called a Bull” (p. 162)。按今日則常語,渾不覺其矛盾矣。A. Huxley, The Jesting Pilate, pp. 118-9 載印度萬應方(‘Infallible Cure for Incurable Diseases, Habits, & Defects’),其尤可笑者也。三
Saint-Évremond: “Problème à l’imitation des Espagnols”: “Voici un autre inconvénient que vous ne manquerez pas d’essuyer: c’est qu’au lieu de porter au couvent le dégoût de l’amour, le couvent vous en fera naître l’envie. Ce lieu saint change l’amour en dévotion, quand on a aimé dans le monde. Ce lieu, plus dangereux que les lieux profanes, change la dévotion en amour, quand on n’en a pas fait l’expérience” (Les plus belles pages de Saint-Évremond, éd. Remy de Gourmont, p. 10). Cf. 第七百三則 Oxford Bk. of It.Verse, p. 164. 按此中有至理。《禪宗尋牛圖》稱“返本歸源”之後,始“入廛垂手”。克慾忍性之功,非人能堪,流弊甚大。《朝野異聞》云:嘉隆間講學盛行,楚人顏山農謂貪財好色皆性生,天機所發,不可閼之,第弗留滯胸中而已(《寄園寄所寄》卷六《焚麈寄‧勝國遺聞》門又《古今談概》卷二引)。可與 Blake, “Proverbs of Hell”: “Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.” 參觀,皆開分析學矣。E. Jones, Papers on Psychoanalysis, 1918 ed., p. 591 即引此語。《摩訶止觀》卷二亦云:“人性多貪欲,穢濁熾盛。雖對治折伏,彌更增劇。但恣趣向,何以故?……譬如綸釣,魚強繩弱,不可爭牽。但令鉤餌入口,隨其遠近,任縱沈浮,不久收獲。於蔽修觀,亦復如是。”參觀第七九五則論《列子‧楊朱第七》晏平仲問養生於管夷吾。F.H. Bradley, Aphorisms, §16: “With one man, resignation stores up treasure in heaven; with another man, it does but store explosives in the heart.” 又第二百九十一則。Eckhart: “Ouch noch erfrâget man selten, daz die liute koment zuo grôzen dingen, sie ensîn ze dem êrsten etwaz vertreten”[4] (quoted in Jung, Psychologische Typen, Zürich, 1946, S, 340); Havelock Ellis: “St. Francis & Others”: “There would have been no Francis the saint if there had not been Francis the sinner.... We can only attain a fine temperance through a fine freedom, even a fine excess. The women who think that they must at all costs repress themselves, & the men who consider repression as the proper ideal, have missed the true safeguards against licence, & flounder for ever in a turbid sea, at war with themselves, at war with nature. The saints knew better” (Selected Essays, “Everyman’s Library,” p. 87); J.B. Yeats, “people don’t realize & don’t remember that Christ was a man tempted in all things.... Once lecturing in Dublin I proposed that the word ‘invitation’ should be substituted for ‘temptation’ since we really came on earth to be tempted, & that in most cases it was our business not to resist but to yield to it & take the consequences.... St. Francis was a man of pleasure who had gone the round of the passions. This was the history of all the great saints” (Letters to His Son & Others, Letter 121, p. 179) 皆與 Saint-Évremond 相發明。故元曲《城南柳》第二折呂洞賓云:“且教他酒色財氣裡過,方可度脱他成仙了道。”【陳眉公《見聞錄》卷三云:“王龍溪謂陸平翁云:‘他人以戒定慧救貪嗔痴,公須以貪嗔痴救戒定慧。’”】